The Gap, And How To Close It
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about The Gap. In fact, I can’t believe I’ve been writing every day for a month and haven’t mentioned it yet. Years ago, my friend, artist James Jirat Patradoon, told me about an interview series Ira Glass, of NPR fame, gave to…
How Uncomfortable Are You Willing To Be?
It’s a secret that many accomplished writers understand… and yet, no one really talks about it. It never shows up in anyone’s answers to ‘what’s your writing routine like?’ or ‘where do you get your ideas from?’ It’s hinted at, sometimes, when someone quips something pithy like ‘Writing is easy, you just open up a…
Protect Your Joy
Last night my writing coach asked me to revisit two authors whose work I had mentioned as points of reference for this project.They were Viktor Frankl, who wrote Man’s Search for Meaning after his time interned in various concentration camps during the Second World War, and Albert Camus, a philosopher who fought in the French Resistance and…
Lightning In A Bottle
Before nearly every ghostwriting client signs on to do a book with me, they have one question they really want answered. They’re awkward about it, anxious both about asking and about not asking. I’ve learned that I’d better not hang up the call without pulling this question out into the open. I don’t wait for…
Take Care Of Your Vessel
Earlier today I had a call with my girl gang. It’s called the Mistressmind. We have a video call every two weeks to talk about our businesses — to troubleshoot problems, keep each other accountable, celebrate our wins and call each other out on our BS. We’ve all been friends the better part of a…
Trust The Process
I have a confession to make. A few weeks ago, in preparation for our trip to England, my partner mentioned in that very tactful British way that he had some concerns about my ability to tolerate Northern winters. Being a tropical fish by birth, and having spent most of my adult life in balmy climes,…
In Praise Of Rest
Sometimes the best thing you can do for your work is to take some time off. I am reminded of this again and again, but it always surprises me how much clearer my mind is after a break. (Having had a few days on the road has done wonders for my clarity on this project…
Trust Your Own Palate
After one long-ass drive, I am safely back on unmoving land and ready to get back to work.I am holed up in a cottage in woods of the English countryside, with no one for miles around and one very happy dog. The cottage has a pot-belly stove, and a bookshelf filled by someone with excellent…
The Good Kind Of Honesty
Do you consider yourself honest? I do. In fact, it’s part of my identity, part of how I think of myself. And if I’m being really honest, I think of my honesty as the good kind. Because there’s a bad kind, isn’t there? The kind where you say really mean stuff to people and then shrug like…
You Gave Me An Idea
Normally when I get started writing a book — for clients, or for myself — I have a very clear sense of its purpose, what needs to be included, and where it all needs to go. It’s all very orderly, the process a reliable workhorse that steadily meets my expectations. This book, on the other…